Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fighting For One Direction's Life

What's up Directioners and random people that just happen to run across our blog! Sorry once again for leaving you hanging yesterday with the blog, needless to say we were pretty much fighting for One Direction's life. You can thank us later! Here is what happened. Ivy's Aunt Audrey was having a wedding shower and I stayed with Ivy that night so we could go. We get there and Ivy's little cousin Lilly has a Lollipop barbie doll! & of course since we take Niall and Harry everywhere with us we wanted to play with her. So we break out our Niall and Harry dolls and start to playing with Lilly. We're dancing, and making our dolls fly, then Lilly's doll had a thing for Niall and kept kissing him while poor Harry was giving her choclates and she was just beating him up. It's okay Harry , Lilly is five. She doesn't know exactly how to turn them down yet. So while we're playing we noticed a good bit of people have stopped decorating and getting food ready to look at us. BUSTED! "Okay Lilly, our dolls have to go to sleep now !" While we slide them into our bags with a "please don't hate us look"!!! Not too much longer after everyone returned to their business and stopped the staring One Direction emerged again, & we were carrying them around the party with us, the whole time being talked about.. We didn't really care. After that it was game time! So we sat Niall and Harry in a chair so we could wrap people in toilet paper to make a dress. Which by the way we won! Return back to the seats and they're still there sitting on the otherside of Ivy. Now Ivy, when you read this know I'm not blaming you , OKAY?!?! I'm just saying next time we'll have to keep an eye out for them. About five minutes after that Ivy looks at me and says "Our dolls are gone!" So of course we blame John, Ivy's uncle. Now he is pretty much a Directioner too, but stills cracks on us for being 17 with toy dolls. He didn't want to spill anything. So we took it outside, me, John, and Ivy. All outside to "talk" it out and get our dolls back. Not much talking actually. We get out there and then not sure whats happening he ends up on the ground with me and Ivy on top of him beating him and yelling at him. "I don't know where they are I swear, I gave them to Joseph!" he yells. "Well where did he put them?" We yelled back! "I don't know, everyone's had your dolls. They're skanks they've been all around. I don't know who the last person that had them was!" Since he wasn't much help we beat him with his shoes then go inside to talk to Joseph! "Oh Groseph, where are our dolls?" He didn't seem to know either but he mentioned something about them ending up in cousin Rachel's car. The whole damn family is in on this ! "Rachel, are our dolls in you're car? Where are your car keys?" "I don't kow, mom has my keys, I know nothing about your dolls being in my car." LIARS all of them. !! "Aunt Hiedi ( Rachel's mom) are our dolls in the car?" "Well I don't know you just have to be patient and stop beating John up." She tells us. So we knew she knew where they were. Following? We didn't know what else to do, we knew someone had taken them outside and we figured they were still there so we decided to go look in everyones car. Not in mum's car. Not in Aunt Missy's car. Not in Joseph's car. But sitting perfectly in Rachel's back window were Niall and Harry! I screamed and practically fangirled like it was the real thing! I send Ivy back in to sneak the keys while I make sure our dolls go no where! Not even five minutes later I get a call from Ivy. "I'm cornered with the keys they wont let me out. Aunt Hiedi has put me in a headlock" Help is on the way, as Mrs. Doubtfire would say! I run in and as soon as I get in the door Ivy chunks the keys at me . I football run through the door with John holding on to the back of my shirt and trying to get the keys. It ends up being another fist fight basically right outside the church in the grass before we could finally get the keys back and save the dolls. It was like they were trying to preform an intervention or something. So as you can see it was a very busy day for us yesterday while trying to save Harry and Niall, from the evil Directionaters Ivy calls family. And did pretty good considering there were only two of us and like 20 of them! #GoOneDirection!! Do any of you guys have problems like this with your family and the love for One Direction. Please tweet us and let us know we're not the only ones. Thanks guys:)

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